Below: Jerry and Aunt Gee

Cousin Dwight , Sandra [in tire] and Jerry

Sandra and Jerry on Bikes

He was six years old when I was born, and I have never known life without him. I don't remember any sibling rivalry, probably because he took it on himself to be my defender and protector. I was told that he was a bit jealous when Aunt Gee held me at my birth. That was because he and Aunt Gee had a very close, special relationship. He wanted me to call him "Buba". When I was seven months old, he stood me against a wall, and from the opposite wall, held his hands out and said "come to Buba". I took my first steps toward him. He took my training wheels off my bike and ran beside me holding the bike so I could learn to ride. He stood outside the Ladies Room at the movies and talked to me through the door so I would not be afraid. Once when I was in the Memphis hospital, he brought me a doll. [I still have it]. When it snowed and I was sick, he made a snowman outside my window for me to look at. Many times he would sacrifice doing things he would have liked to do, to let me do MY thing. He drove me to piano lessons and cheer leading practice and church activities that I was involved in. We went to Youth camp and vacations in the summers. Then he went away to College. I missed him dreadfully. He would write and always bring me a surprise when he came home. When he joined the Air Force, I cried and cried. I didn't think I would ever see him again. He went to very exotic places, like England and brought me presents. I went to college; he sent me spending money. He was always there for me and I always know he loves me.
I like to think that he still worries about me a little bit now and then.
I love my brother, Jerry.
Happy Birthday, Buba.