Nannie and Ellie
Today I am remembering my Mother.
This is her birthday. I remember her dignity, beauty and self-respect. She was always a lady, a Christian Lady. She always dressed as if she were going to have company, and she loved company. She was so proud of her family. When my brother, Jerry, married Beckie, she became Mother's daughter. My husband Bob, became her son. She loved them so much, she even laughed at Bob's jokes.
When the grands came, well, there were never two prettier, better babies than Shannon and Troy. She only regretted that she could not live closer to them so that she could see them more often and spoil them.Then came her long awaited granddaughters, Shelley and Natalie. None of us could do any wrong in her sight. She bragged on all of us to everyone of her friends.
When Ellie was born, I never saw a happier Great-grandmother. Caleb was such a doll, she just loved them both.
She would be so happy to know Noah. I'm sure she would be able to play games with him.
It would thrill her to no end to have two of her greats, Carter and Sarah Ann to share her birthday month.
I will never feel her soft hands caress my cheeks again and hear her say"you're so pretty".
She was my cheerleader and my best friend.
I know she is looking down at us today and feels the same love for all of us that she always had.Happy Birthday, Mother