I attended Jennie Bell Elementary from first grade to third. My teachers were Miss Etheline Dickerson, first grade, Mrs. Miller, second grade, Mrs. Boals, third grade, Miss Lessie Mae, fourth grade. My fifth grade teacher was Miss Maggie Lou Sudbury. She had been my brother Jerry's teacher, as had other teachers. Miss Sudbury was so anxious to have me in her room, she adored Jerry and my Mother. Mother was always a "room Mother" which meant she did things for the kids, such as bring cupcakes and cookies for special party times. I always loved school because all my friends were there. We started each day with Bible reading and the Lord's prayer. Then we would have the pledge of allegiance to the Flag. I don't think that is done these days...it isn't politically correct anymore.
When I started fourth grade there was a new addition to the Jennie Bell School that went all the way through eighth grade. We got to change classes in Seventh grade, with four different teachers. They were Mr. Riddick, who loved to paddle you for the slightest offence, Mrs. Camp, Mrs. Aiken, and Mrs. Permenter, who was just a hoot. I went with the eighth grade to Cookeville for an FTA conference . I was such a "HOT SHOT" because my brother went there to Tennessee Tech University.
Dyersburg High School was a very big deal. It was the only high school in town, until my senior year. That year the black school was closed down and all their students were sent to DHS. The reason was that we were each sent a freedom of school selection that summer and each race selected their own schools. We had a very friendly transition.
I had no idea until I graduated that I had such a good education. I learned to read and spell, unlike some of my later acquaintances from other states. I am very thankful to have been in the school system where the teachers loved their students and gave them knowledge.
When I was in DHS, Lamarr who was a couple of years ahead of me, was a big football hero. We had football games on Friday nights. It meant big doings in Dyersburg. One thing about Tennessee, they love their football whether high school or college.