My grandparents, Pappa and Mamma Hooper, were very hard working farmers. Life was not easy back then. They did not have indoor plumbing nor electricity til very late in their married life. Pappa had some brothers and sisters,but I don't know who they were. He was from Middle Tennessee, perhaps Waverly. Mamma had 2 sisters and some brothers. I remember her sisters. When I was a very little girl they would get together and sew quilts. They all dipped snuff back then and kept their coffee cans handy. Of course, they did not know the dangers of tobacco then. It was one of those "coming of age" things that people did way back. When they joined the "holiness" churches, they gave up their habits. Mamma's sister was Inez Spain [for whom my mother was named]. Her other sister was Maude Moore..
My Mother was the youngest of all the children. Pappa used to get up very early and cook breakfast and get Mother up to eat with him. That was their special time. He was saved just before he past away. Bro. Ball from the Dyersburg Church of God visited him a lot while he and Mamma lived with us. Bro Ball led him to Christ.
The Hooper family used to have a reunion at Reelfoot Lake every year in August. Pappa would kill and bar-b-que a goat for the meal. I missed a few of those because Mother said I would get so excited that I would make myself sick the night before.
There was always a big birthday dinner for Pappa and Mamma.
My Mother was the youngest of all the children. Pappa used to get up very early and cook breakfast and get Mother up to eat with him. That was their special time. He was saved just before he past away. Bro. Ball from the Dyersburg Church of God visited him a lot while he and Mamma lived with us. Bro Ball led him to Christ.
The Hooper family used to have a reunion at Reelfoot Lake every year in August. Pappa would kill and bar-b-que a goat for the meal. I missed a few of those because Mother said I would get so excited that I would make myself sick the night before.
There was always a big birthday dinner for Pappa and Mamma.
Pappa died when I was 5 years old. I do remember him well. We had such fun together. I realize now that he was sick most of my lifetime, with what was called back then...hardening of the arteries.
Mamma lived to be 96 years old and she was a joy to be with. I could go to her and tell her all my thoughts knowing that she would not criticize nor rebuke me. She made me feel very special as if I were her only grandchild, or at least her favorite. I can hardly wait til she greets me in Heaven and opens her arms to hold me once again.